Saturday, March 17, 2012

March 2012 Blue Coast Records Celebrates 5 years Since First SACD Launch!

Dear friends, this month we celebrate the start of our 5 year anniversary for the debut of the Blue Coast Collection.

It's hard to believe how fast the time went by.  When we started DSD downloads were not even a consideration.  Now, Blue Coast Records leads the way with more than 11,500 opted in music lovers and thousand in DSD downloads.  Thank you!

Little Cottonwood by Garett Brennan in DSD
We've gone to the vaults and found the original DSD audio for Blue Coast Artist, Garett Brennan and his Little Cottonwood recording.  This was an amazing project recorded in a cabin in the mountains of Utah direct to DSD, mixed through analog gear and back to DSD.

With myself, Jean Claude Reynaud and a few assistants, we drove to this incredible location with computers, Sonoma system, Millennia preamps, B&K mics and our own silver cable.  With friends, family and band gathered around we recorded through wind, rain, hail and a raging river next to us.  On track 9, "These Knees", you can hear a thunderstorm rolling through.  The DSD version takes you through the full dynamic range of the passing storm.  While some people would have thought this was a disaster, we embraced nature taking control of the music.  It was a moment in time.  It is a pleasure to bring this to you as DSD.

If you've purchased either the 9624 or 44.1 audio download before, send us your paypal receipt with "Little Cottonwood" and we'll reimburse the difference.  If you can't find it, let us know and we'll try to track it down.
We have been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm for our latest publication  We've got a long way to go adding information for music lovers and professionals alike.  If you haven't seen the work that Andreas Koch is doing, check out his paper on creating Standards for manufactures.

Other News and Links
I've accepted a position at the University of the Pacific Music Conservatory in the  "Music Management Advisory Board".  I'll be working with the University to add DSD recording to their audio program.  Along with the Mentorship program at our own studio, we are excited about the new generation of students who will be learning about high resolution audio.  When presented with the choice, the students want to record in the high quality possible.

For those new to Blue Coast Records, check out Downloads NOW! where you can find more music as 44,1, 9624 full sized wave files along with the latest DSD audio downloads.

Free DSD downloads can be found at

Thank you for all the support!
Cookie Marenco

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook

Events -- California Audio Show Aug 3-5

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Solo Violinist Breaks Barriers in her Debut Release called Glass

Emily Palen's solo violin release impresses rockers and delights audiophiles with soaring improvisations. Recorded at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco Palen's music takes you on a cutting edge musical journey like never before.


Emily Palen -- Glass
Emily Palen -- Glass
PRLog (Press Release) - Feb 14, 2012 -
Valentine's Day 2012 marks the debut release of solo violinist and improvisational virtuoso, Emily Palen, on Valence Records.  The album called "Glass" was recorded over two nights at San Francisco's famed Grace Cathedral.  The site was chosen for its inspirational surroundings and sonic qualities.  Artist, instrument, and environment become one in this extraordinary and historic recording that was captured by an award winning team of recording engineers and meant to please audio enthusiasts of all ages.

What might seem like a strange combination of music genres is what makes Palen's music special.  Her classical training combined with her love of heavy rock creates a uniquely personal sound for the young violinist.  Label founder, Gregory James, a well known guitarist in his own right, first noticed Palen playing her soaring violin melodies on San Francisco streets. Intrigued by this confluence of sound, James asked her to perform in his own band and eventually signed her to Valence Records.

Brought in to record this project was Grammy Award nominated engineer/producer Cookie Marenco.  The music was recorded using the proprietary technique called Extended Sound Environment (E.S.E.).  A collection of the finest microphones in the world were used to capture the natural depth, texture, and warmth of the performances and the sonics of the church.  Behind the scenes was an experienced crew from Blue Coast Records and Super Audio Center who put together an audiophile remote recording studio that made use of the latest and most advanced digital recording technology called DSD (Direct Stream Digital).

James, reflects:   “Walking from my home on Russian Hill up to Grace Cathedral on Nob Hill each night for the recordings was a meditative experience.  Dinner with Emily and the crew was like a movie set, or a mountain climb.  This project was one of the coolest things I’ve done in life”.

Palen began her musical career at the age of 4 under the guidance of her mother, a cellist and violin teacher.  At 19, Palen was drawn to the ocean and moved to San Francisco after studying classical violin at the University of Michigan.  In San Francisco she sought to play music closer to the heavy rock she listened to like Led Zeppelin, Tool, and Black Sabbath. In 2008, she won a contest that led to performing a Foo Fighter's song on the Grammy stage   Her performance of "The Pretender" has drawn over 1.2 million views on YouTube.

Later, Palen shared the stage with the Foo Fighters at Red Rocks Amphitheater, CO., at the invitation of band leader, David Grohl.

Released on CD and SACD, "Glass" can be purchased at Valence Records as a disc or high resolution downloads.  This is one of the first native DSD recordings to be released as DSD audio downloads.  "Glass" has already become popular with the audiophile community for its top notch sound.  The album is used in demonstrations to show the fine nuances in speakers such as Sony AR1 and other top of the line speakers.  The sound of the violin has been called some of the finest in recorded history by Gus Skinas, a digital audio pioneer.

You can join Palen to celebrate the CD release on March 30, 2012 at 8pm....
Project One Gallery,
251 Rhode Island St,
San Francisco,
CA, 94103

The night will be a combination of solo violin performances and as leader of a band.  The evening will include a dj dance party, CD signings by Palen and other special events to be added.

For more information on tickets or music go to....
or contact Marenco Media at 650 595 8475

# # #

Valence Records offers music from top improvising musicians and records them in the highest quality possible.

--- end ---


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Issued By
:Blue Coast World
:United States
:Music, Entertainment, Lifestyle
:, , , high resolution downloads, , , Direct Stream Digital. SACD
Last Updated
:Feb 14, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

Blue Coast World to distribute Emily Palen's Solo Violin Recording, "Glass"

Hi friends,
We are pleased to announce that Blue Coast World will be distributing the recording of Emily Palen's Solo Violin recording called "Glass".

The disc will be priced at $30 but for a short time, will be available for $25 at this website.

It was recorded at the extraordinary Grace Cathedral, San Francisco using the Extended Sound Environment technique.  Emily's exquisite violin improvisations have been used extensively in sonic comparison tests because the masters were recorded to DSD and all recording processes have been under control from record to digital delivery.

We have kept the one bit DSD format throughout.  The CD layer was mastered in the same process, so you can compare your CD layer with your DSD or SACD playback systems.  At CES we used Track #3 (Light in the Fracture) to test the audio response on the Sony AR1 speakers (This year's winner of Absolute Sound's speaker of the year).

Those present for the demo comparisons had the unique opportunity to also hear the SACD coming from the Meitner DACs against the DSD masters from the Sonoma Systems playback master through the Meitner professional DSD DACs.  Gus Skinas from Super Audio Center was onhand along with Yuki Sugiura from Sony to help with the demos as hundreds of people passed through our room to experience the comparisons.

The CD to SACD comparisons were obvious.  Shrunken images and lack of dynamics could be heard in the CD sound.  What was most surprising is that we could hear a clear difference in the Meitner DACs both playing back DSD.  We can only suggest that the best sound is with DSD DACs for playback.  It was a small difference, but audible.

Now, those of you who have an SACD player can experience Emily's violin performances the way we intended.

Many of you already own downloads these wonderful masters.  Those that would like to experience a FREE DSD DOWNLOAD of one piece from the album can click below to download.  (Requires Foobar or Audiogate to play)

Positive Feedback, article one!

Thank you to Positive Feedback for asking me to be a writer for their publication.  If your interested to know some of the reasons why and how I came to be a recording engineer, along with the challenges we face as engineers, this article is for you.  I'll be writing from a professional engineer standpoint for PF as I can.  Please feel free to ask questions that I might be able to write and article on.

2012 is going to be a great year for DSD. 
It was a pleasure meeting many of you in person.

Cookie and the Blue Coast Crew

join our Facebook page

Monday, October 31, 2011

Congratulations to Alexander Baker for Being our 9000th member at Blue Coast Records!

Blue Coast Records is pleased to announce its 9000th member, Alexander Baker!  Very exciting for us.  This is a 300% increase since the beginning of this year.

Alexander found our site while googling for DSD Downloads.  This lead to a site on the Sony playstation that discussed DSD capabilities which had links to Blue Coast Records.  He found, he listened, he purchased!

And then he signed up to our Blue Coast Records mailing list.   Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding!!!!  He's our 9000th member.

"Basically I'm a computer audiophile nutcase, always looking for higher quality material.." Alexander said in a note to us.
For being the 9000th member, Alexander will win a free download album of his choice.   Our guess is it will be in the DSD format.  :)

Who will be the 10,000th member?  Join our mailing list.  Maybe it will be YOU!

Blue Coast Records

Sunday, October 09, 2011

What is an Audiophile? Part One (repost)

This is a repost of the article written by Cookie Marenco for 

We welcome your continuing comments at the  website.


What is an Audiophile?

Featured Opinions — 30 August 2011
What is an Audiophile?
Why does the term “Lunatic Fringe” come to mind?
Since When Did It Become Controversial Listening to Music with Great Sound?
After all, sound is a huge part of everything we do as humans, from how we communicate with each other to how we choose to spend time alone. What is wrong with wanting the sound we interact with to be the best that it can be?
I travel in music circles with pro audio engineers, recording artists, label execs and audiophiles. It surprises me that more industry people don’t go to the audiophile shows where the rubber meets the road — the people who create the music meeting those that love and buy their products.
When I ask my industry cohorts ‘why’ the first words coming from their mouths seems to be ‘lunatic fringe’ — as if ‘audiophiles’ have the plague and should be avoided at all costs.
What is defining the word ‘audiophile’ that is so bad in their minds? Can we reintroduce ‘audiophile’ to a new generation? Do we need a new word to describe a passionate listener?
A recent survey by the CEA (Consumer Electronics Association) indicates that music lovers are everywhere. They’ve analyzed the results in a study called “Notion of Quality: Audio Expectations of Consumers.” Participants were asked to rate themselves as to their music listening habits divided into 3 categories. Here are the results of how people thought of themselves.
Audio Enthusiast –34%
Moderate Interest – 34%
Low Interest – 32%
CEA estimates that there are 80,000,000 Audio Enthusiasts in the USA alone. Audio Enthusiasts would pay more money for better quality content and listening gear. Their ages run relatively equally from 18-55+, with 77% having household incomes of less than $75,000 annually and 48% are women. Is it possible to expand the ‘audiophile’ profile to include these demographics or do we need a new word? “Audio Enthusiast” isn’t a bad term. As a product manufacturer, broadening the demographic to be more inclusive is a very healthy sign and benefits the whole community.
Today, the profile for ‘audiophile’ seems to be over 50 years old, male, with income over $100,000 annually. Some manufacturers feel that the estimate for ‘audiophiles’ is about 500,000 worldwide. That’s a tough nugget for any of us in the business to develop new products. Adding new categories of the demographics from the CEA report could be advantageous.
Take for instance, “women”.. something I know a bit about. I have often wondered why more women don’t consider themselves ‘audiophiles’? And, why more manufacturers haven’t taken advantage of the power of a woman’s dollar as the auto industry did in the nineties. Whether you like ‘Beats’ headphones or not, they’ve made it ‘cool’ to want better sound for a younger generation. Spending $299 on headphones is a start. If anyone feels ‘kids today’ don’t understand ‘quality in sound’, please come to my studio and experience my fresh faced interns working on analog tape, buying vinyl and unhappy with mp3 sound.
Once exposed to great sonics, they can’t go back to mp3.
In upcoming articles, I would like to poll the readership as to what it means to be called an ‘audiophile’. I welcome suggestions for questions. Is an audiophile someone who pays $xxxx for their listening environment? Someone who builds their own set of speakers? Goes to meetings with fellow listeners? Pays $1000 a foot for cable? Buys ‘Beats’ headphones? Hates mp3s? I’d like your opinion to help open our world to new ears. Let me know what you think.
This is a great forum to place your comments so we can all share.  Simply comment on this post.
Thanks and enjoy your music experience!
Cookie Marenco
Founder and Producer, Blue Coast Records
Special thanks to Gene Bryan Johnson for his editing skills and the volunteers at

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Chi McClean, the latest Blue Coast Artist to have music available in the DSD format!

Hello DSD friends! 

We have a free DSD download for you to enjoy at our page by our newest Blue Coast Artist, Chi McClean!

Chi has been touring the country singing and playing guitar, surfing, camping and booking more shows as he goes.  He is a true road warrior who's talent doesn't go unnoticed.  His songs are reflective of his life, loves and travels. At times, he'll remind you of John Mayer with a southern rock twist much like Chris Robinson of the Black Crowes.

You can hear the rest of his album, also available as a DSD, 9624WAV and CDQ download, by clicking on the link below..

This album of guitar and voice, performed live in the studio, recorded in my E.S.E. technique with no headphones or overdubs.  A different version of Hole in My Heart is now on the Blue Coast Collection 2 (song #3).

Check out the article for called What Is An Audiophile?
and join in with comments!

Special thanks goes to Paul McGowan at PSAudio and to Gene Bryan Johnson for editing expertise. 

Thanks again for all your support and

Enjoy the music!

join our mailing list or Facebook page

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Three Free DSD Audio Downloads from Blue Coast Records!

Hi friends, each month we upload one new song for your DSD listening experience.  This month our featured artist is Keith Greeninger performing a song he wrote called, "Hop in the Truck".  Keith also has a youtube video coming featuring that song.

This selected DSD comes from our archives.  Brain (drummer with Tom Waits) plays some classy percussion while Chris Kee supplies the bottom end bass.  All the songs from this session were recorded using E.S.E., no headphones, no overdubs, just live in a few takes.  Great musicianship is all that's required!  We'll have the rest of these songs available as DSD downloads by September 1st!

Also featured is a solo acoustic guitar piece by Gregory James called "Taos".  A wonderfully moody piece he composed.  Houston Jones, "I Found a Heart" is going to retire to the catalog in a month.  Be sure to get it while it's free.  One of my favorite songs.

Be sure to check our page with free DSD music downloads every month.  You can also find the Korg AudioGate software on the same page.

Come back soon!