Friday, May 29, 2009

Blue Coast Records Opens Up a New Section called Tidbits! New Music From Art Lande! 96K downloads on a whim!!

Dear Friends! Thursday is a tough day to get anything done, so we've moved our new music offerings this week to Friday.

Our contest from last week brought HUGE response and great reviews for all three songs presented. Jane Selkye's rendition of Ascension Day, brought the most favorable accolades, but we will offer all three as downloads next week at 96K. Those that participated, will get a free 96K version of all three songs when they are mixed.

This week, we had
Blue Coast Artist, Art Lande in the studio recording with Bruce Williamson, his long time friend and musical companion for more than 15 years. These two fine musicians performed 3 Duke Ellington songs followed by their IMPRESSIONS of the same song.

The Ellington Challenge!

This week the challenge is to figure out which Duke Ellington piece these 3 IMPRESSIONSISTIC songs spawned from. You'll need to figure out the songs in the correct order and submit to me before 11pm PST on Saturday.

If you guess correctly, on Sunday we'll send you the original improvisation of the Duke Ellington piece as Art and Bruce performed them in the studio last week! It's not easy to figure out. Here's a hint for one piece... shiny material/Children play with these... :D

You don't need to purchase to be part of the contest. The whole song can be streamed as an mp3. If you like the music, our 96K

Tidbits will be priced at $2 per single... less than the cost of my triple espresso!

Art Lande and Bruce Williamson--Tidbits

Join us at BlueCoastWorld

Have a wonderful weekend!

Cookie Marenco
Blue Coast Records..

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